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Web - digital


CoMo is a series of web-based applications, used in artistic creation projects (music, dance), pedagogy and movement rehabilitation.

Specific actions

Plusieurs versions ont été développés et sont actuellement disponibles en ligne: CoMo-elements, CoMo-Vox, CoMo-education

Project created
Not applicable

Type of project : Online, in the field



Project description

CoMo is a series of web applications for playing sounds with your own gestures, using your smartphone.

Several applications have been developed, some of which are online:

About CoMo-elements

CoMo-elements is a shared application for movement sonification, using the motion sensors of smartphones. CoMo Elements proposes to match sounds and gestures or postures, and to play the sounds by reproducing the gestures. It is a shared application as the players connected on the same session draw on the same repertory. If a player adds a new gesture, it can be reproduced by the others. The app includes the possibility of adding sound effects depending on some characteristics of the gestures (eg : variation of volume, filters) and to access more parameters through scripts that can be modified by the user.

The participation

Required equipment



Frédéric Bevilacqua

Frédéric Bevilacqua

Directeur de recherche Ircam


Unité Mixte de Recherche Sciences et Technologies de la Musique et du Son

Frédéric Bevilacqua

Benjamin Matuszewski

Benjamin Matuszewski

Chargé de recherche et développement


Benjamin Matuszewski