Your fields
Acoustics Agronomy Anthropology Archaeology Architecture Performing arts (music, dance, theatre) Visual arts (painting, engraving, etc.) Astronomy Conservation - Biologiy Natural history Heritage conservation Artistic creation Audiovisual design Ecology Marine ecology Ethnology Genealogy Genetics Geography - Oceanography Geology History Family and demographic history Digital humanities Hydrology Computing Linguistics / Language sciences Literature Medicine Scientific outreach Museology Musicology Pedology Philosophy Physics Environmental sciences Information and communication sciences Atmospheric sciences Education sciences Climate sciences Sociology Natural language processing Urbanism Zoology Choose from the list or enter start to filter. (9 max)
Additional information on your profile and skills
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Indicate how the subject of 'citizen cultural research' relates to your practices, interests, research, etc.
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Your skills
Adapting projects to very specific/targeted audiences Foresight analysis Mapping (participatory, by drone, etc.) Database design, analysis and modelling IT development Specification development for the creation of a website Interaction with local populations Gamification (or games) Digitising, classifying and making collections available Philology, work on historical documentary sources Conducting inventories Seeking funding for citizen science projects Data display and visualisation Geographic Information System (GIS) Transcription and annotation Online visualisation and analysis of data by participants
Supporting the public and developing their skills Facilitating participant communities Project co-development with partners Survey Consultation method (between partners, associations, etc.) Setting up training courses for a variety of audiences (citizens, professionals, teachers) Setting up and coordinating partner networks (local and national handovers, etc.) Recruitment and retention of participants Facilitation techniques for participative meetings
Communication via social media Journalistic writing (treatment and valorisation of information) Development of educational tools Graphic design Multimedia communication tools
Multi-partner cooperation Access to archaeological sites and objects Protection of personal data Ethical and deontological issues Choose from the list or enter start to filter. (9 max)
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Translation about 'citizen cultural research'
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